A Promise
Our Creator promised to fill the earth with His glory (Habakkuk 2 verse 14).
Looking at our situation, I feel it is pretty clear to most people that the point the earth has come to is irreversible by human work. The good news is that God has had a plan since the beginning. It is revealed to us in His Word, the Bible.
Crazy things are happening people, this time is scary but please know that there is always hope. Look up and pray because God does care, this situation is completely held and if you seek Him, He will come close to You.
There is a lot of talk about this being the end of the world and the truth is it could be the end of the world as we know it now, but we won’t just disappear, our planet won’t burn up. God will heal it all, including you if you want Him to.
So remember, if something is designed by God it is always good. Please trust this. He has a son who knows your heart and who wants to save you. He was so serious about saving you that he died for you. Do not let that go, hold on and believe that.
In the end, love will win. God has already won.